Faculty Buildings

The  buildings complex of the Faculty of Engineering  consists of 4 buildings (A, B, C and D).

Building A includes: Dean's office and vice-deans' offices, the Laboratory for metal processing and tribology; Divisions for engineering software, metal forming, Centers for terotechnology, tribology, computer integrated business, quality, revitalization of industrial systems, integrated development of products and processes and intelligent systems, information technologies, Innovations centre for information technologies, the Library, Small amphitheatre, design bureaus and cabinets, computer classrooms, University information center, Internet café for students

Building B includes:  Laboratory for motor vehicles, Laboratory for IC engines, fuels and lubricants, Laboratory for energy and process engineering, Centers for technical proper function of vehicles, traffic safety, Regional Euro-Center for Energy Efficiency, Conference hall, Design bureaus and cabinets...

Building C includes: Divisions for machine materials and welding, composite materials, Laboratory for mechanical construction and mechanization, CAD laboratory (CAD/LAB), Laboratory of automation, hydraulics, electrical engineering and robotics, Centers for mechanical transmissions, testing and calculation of machine elements and machine systems, rational energy management, heating, air conditioning and solar energy, applied automation, Design bureaus and cabinets...

Building D includes: classrooms - auditoriums, cabinets, Large amphitheater having 250 seats, Center for recycling of used PC equipment, administrative offices, student rooms...

mapa fakulteta

Second Floor 


 Ground Level

First Floor

FINK Objekat D


Lower Ground Floor

 Upper Ground Floor 

First floor

Contact Information

Faculty of Engineering          University of Kragujevac

Sestre Janjić street, no. 6 - 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia

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